
Unintentionally vegan, yet quite delicious potatoes

February 20 , 2015 by: Ryan Foods

So im gonna get to the point, see my obnoxious tweet to food bloggers here.

My best friend introduced me to plant based eating, and I have since been trying my darndest to eat vegan-plant based. BEFORE you roll your damn eyes, I swear it is good, I’ll even swear on all my pets, which is pretty damn serious. I say unintentionally vegan because I like to make things that just happen to be plant based, I’m not super into faux meats, or faux anything for that matter. I digress, even if you love bacon, my recipes are good, and if you feel the need to wrap it all in bacon, by all means please do. (but buy the good stuff!)

Food list:

Red potatoes

Your choice of kick ass herbs (I used thyme)

Garlic, all the garlic.

Olive oil

Kosher salt, be generous with salt.

See below all health benefits of ingredients: (my fav thing to do is to stalk all the good things my ingredients do for me)

Health benefits of garlic

Health benefits of thyme

Health benefits of red potatoes

Health benefits of olive oil

Health benefits of kosher salt


Boil some taters until they are soft-ish, put them on a cookie sheet, smush em with a fork or potato masher.  Crush the garlic, distribute evenishly on the smushed potatoes, do the same with herb of choice, sprinkle with salt, drizzle with olive oil and bake at 425 for about 20 minutes, I like mine extra crispy so perhaps a bit longer. The finished product is perfect as a side, I like to pair it with a giant salad, my mouth is currently watering.



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